Berkeley Program on Housing and the Urban Policy




For Employers
                                                                          For Students

Summer Internships

The Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy acts as a clearninghouse for a limited number of summer internships for professional students between their first and second years of graduate study at Berkeley. Internship opportunities are directed primarily toward graduate students in business, city and regional planning, and public policy, who are pursuing studies in housing and urban policy issues. The placements are in private firms, nonprofit organizations and government agencies in housing and related fields. Past summer internships have included positions with the FannieMae Foundation, Union Bank, California Center for Land Recycling/CALPERS, Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California, and the Corporation for Supportive Housing.  Internships may spawn collaborations leading to sustained employment throughout the following school year and projects for theses and class papers.

The links on this page provide information on internships for Summer 2009.

Employers:  Job Posting Information
Students:     2009 Sponsor Contacts Information (Password Protected)


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